Box Cloud Storage

Yale ITS is phasing out Box @ Yale as an available service offering to support the community with better service and simplified storage options.

By July 2025 Box will be eliminated as a storage option for all of the Yale community.

Microsoft 365 (OneDrive, Teams, and SharePoint) is available as a cloud storage solution with larger quotas and no cost to you.

Access Box online (web)

Install and use the Box desktop application

Box Features

  • 50 GB of space per user. You can upload files up to 15 GB in size.
  • Upon graduation, student accounts can be converted to personal accounts with the benefit of maintaining the 50 GB quota.
  • It’s easy to upload content, organize documents, share items, and permissions on shared items.
  • Collaborate on documents with colleagues seamlessly anytime, anywhere from any device.
  • Uploaded files are private and not shared unless you share them.
  • Maintains version history of your files.
  • Deleted files are kept in the Trash folder for 30 days.

For information about using Box for secure data, please refer to central Yale ITS Box page and policies

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