Installing Papercut Client and Printers on Mac

Follow these directions to install the PaperCut Client and Printers on personal Mac computers

Mapping a printer on Mac requires many steps, you may want to use Webprint (requires Yale Network or VPN), find a Windows PC to print from, or schedule a time with Digital Technology

Installing the PaperCut Client on MacOS

  • Connect to the Yale Network (Yale Secure, Yale Wired, Yale Wireless or VPN)
  • Download and install the PaperCut Client for Mac
  • Find the downloaded file and run the installer
  • You may be prompted that “Apple cannot check it for malicious software” and to open or run the installer anyways
  • Run/open the installer and continue until completed
  • Input your NetID and password when prompted
  • The PaperCut Balance window should show on the screen
  • The PaperCut icon should show in the menu bar
  • The PaperCut Client must be running to print to DGSD printers
  • See directions below on Installing the Networked Printers

Please visit YPPS BluePrint for more information

Installing the Printers on Mac

Find/add the “Advanced” button in the Printers & Scanners menu

  • Find Printers & Scanners in the system settings, or use the Spotlight/magnifying glass to search for “Printers and Scanners”
  • Click “Add Printer” or the “+” symbol to add a printer
  • Find the “Advanced” button or the Advanced Icon (two gears)

Screen shot of the Apple Add Printer window, the advanced icon (consisting of two gears) is highlighted

  • If the Advanced button is not visible, you will need to customize your toolbar to add it
  • Right click (or control left click) in the blank area next to the other icons, and select “Customize Toolbar”
  • Drag the Advanced icon to your toolbar

Screenshot or Apple add printer window, with arrow pointing at the blank space beside the toolbar icons, showing where to left click to gain access to the "Customize Toolbar" option

  • Click the Advanced icon, you may need to wait a minute before the settings appear

Add the printer

Screenshot of Apple, advanced add printer window, showing where to enter, URL, Name and select the generic post script driver

  • Printer Locations
  • We recommend you add YSD_Global_Print
    • Type: Internet Printing Protocol (ipps)
    • Device: Another Device
    • URL: ipps://
    • Name: YSD_Global_Print
    • Use: Generic PostScript Printer or desired model-specific driver
  • Click Add
  • Check the ‘Duplex Printing Unit’ box for the Generic Postscript driver (or other desired features related to your model)

First print/enter NetID credentials

  • Anytime a papercut printer is added to your Mac, the first print will be “held for authentication”
  • Open the printer queue, you will see your print job, click the circular arrow iconApple refresh logo, an arrow with a circular line
  • You will be prompted to login, use your NetID and password, remember to check “Remember this password in my keychain”

Screenshot of the Mac printer queue with a document held for authentication

Release your print at the copier using your Yale ID
